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Cardiovascular disease became an important issue for modern medicine at the beginning of the Twentieth century. By the late 80’s coronary disease became the number one source of deaths in the United States. Every two people died from heart attacks, while three others suffered from them.
Many people and their studies throughout history, dating all the way back to the 16th century up until today, have gathered the information needed to become more aware of this disease. Refined diagnostic techniques led physicians to a greater understanding of how to monitor the heart. New literatures on difficult, troublesome abnormalities help researchers detect early signs of heart failure. With not only concerns of heart attacks worrying doctors and patients alike, the new trend of high blood pressure or hypertension became even more than a treat. The hardening and thickening of heart’s arteries meant that more work was expected out of the heart. This over exhilaration caused skipping, lack of breath, pains that were preamps for fatal heart attacks. Arteriosclerosis was caused and by ‘a build up of fatty deposits in arterial wall’, and made worse by stress, smoking, and excessive drinking. Due to multiple complications of the heart, cardiology stepped up its efforts in the mid-twentieth century. Computerized axial tomography(CAT-scan) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR-scanning) provided new methods of understanding pathology and physiology of individual heart problems. Surgical procedures that performed effective bypasses and open-heart surgeries before; are now being replaced by even more up to date advances, making recovery minimal. New drugs that dissolve blood clots and reduce cholesterol have reduced drastically the death rate in heart attacks victims. Besides the pharmacological and surgical approaches to curing heart problems, developments with the management of abnormal heart rhythms have improved. Pace makers along with other electrodes are used to help regulate heart rates.
In the United State between 1970-1990 coronary heart disease drop by half, leading to 300,000 less deaths a year. This amazingly data can be credited to the health kick that has caught on so rapidly. Instead of worrying about new and improved treatments, there has been a general concern with prevention. Understanding the risk factors has help greatly. Knowing the dangers of chol...

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...eristics suggest that lower organisms are perfect specimens for experimentation.
Bernard explains that the nature of living beings, as subjects of experimentation, is a product of determinism, which connects both the internal and external conditions together. In all living organisms (higher and lower) the internal environment maintains the necessary ties that form equilibrium with the external environment. This will fluctuate as long as there is development and independence from these physico-chemical elements. In higher forms of life their ability to isolate themselves from external influences can be contributed to their well-organized internal makeup. This is completely opposite in how the lower organisms’ independence is effected. These different specifications do not state the variance of nature in these living beings, but are only ‘improvements’ or advantages in protecting themselves from the external conditions of the environment. The true nature of all living organisms in the experimental method is identical, varying only to the physico-chemical conditions that influence the living beings’ internal environment.

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