Cardiogenic Shock Research Paper

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Shock is a medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of the body are not receiving a sufficient flow of blood. This deprives the organs and tissues of oxygen (which is carried in the blood) and allows the buildup of waste products. Shock can result in serious damage or even death. ("Shock," 2008)

Shock is usually caused by three major categories of problems: cardiogenic (problems associated with the heart), hypovolemic (total volume of blood available to circulate is low), and septic shock (infection in the blood). Cardiogenic shock can be caused by any disease which prevents the heart muscle from pumping strongly enough to circulate the blood normally. Heart attack, disturbances of the electrical rhythm of the heart, and any kind …show more content…

Septic shock can occur when an untreated or inadequately treated infection is allowed to grow in the body. Bacteria often produce toxins which can cause injury throughout the body. When large quantities of these bacteria, and the toxins, begin circulating in the bloodstream, every organ and tissue in the body is at risk of their damaging effects. "The most damaging consequences of these bacteria and toxins include poor functioning of the …show more content…

This allergic reaction can start within seconds of exposure, and rapidly develop to cause airway constriction, skin and intestinal irritation, and abnormal heart rhythms. An anaphylactic shock is caused by the release of histamine and other chemicals from mast cells. Mast cells are a type of white blood cell and they are found in tissues that regulate exchange with our environment. Mast cells have antibodies called IgE (immunoglobulin type E). IgE are made to detect environmental substances to which the immune system is sensitive. A substance that most people can tolerate, but others have an allergic response, is called an allergen. When IgE antibodies come together with allergens, they cause the mast cells to release histamine and other chemicals, which mix into all of the body's cells. This causes your body's vessels to leak fluid into surrounding tissues, causing the fluid accumulation, redness, and swelling. On smooth muscle cells of the airways and digestive system, they cause constriction. On nerve endings, they cause itching. (Molle, Durham, Kronenberger, & West-Stack, 2004)

In an anaphylactic shock, the life threatening response is due to extreme hypersensivity to the allergen. Exposure by ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact causes anaphylaxis. Specific causes are fish, shellfish, nuts, stings of bees, wasps, or hornets, vaccines, antibiotics, insulin, hormones, aspirin and latex.

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