Weight Management Case Study Susie is a 51-year-old female. She is 5’5” and weighs 202 pounds. Susie has always struggled with her weight and has tried several fad diets over the years only to end up gaining more weight in the end. She recently had a doctor’s visit, at which she was told she is hypertensive with elevated LDL levels. The doctor prompted her to improve her health through diet and exercise. Susie is frustrated and does not understand why she cannot lose weight. She drives an hour to work both ways and has a desk job. In her free time, she enjoys knitting and cooking. A quick 24-hour recall reveals the following pattern of intake: 6:15 A – Wake up 7:15 A – While driving to work, a large coffee with heavy cream 10:00 A – Diet soda …show more content…
She must shift her focus from just losing weight to acquiring and maintaining a balanced weight via healthy eating habits and exercise. She must aspire to improve her quality of life through a healthy lifestyle. She tried fad or trendy/popular diets but they may not have been suitable for her. I would have her watch the “How to Lose Weight: The Real Math behind Weight Loss” YouTube video. Fad diets almost assuredly cause rapid weight loss and rapid weight gain or regain. Rather than just losing weight through a quick fix, I would explain that effective weight loss operates on a steady curve that takes place gradually. Most importantly, she must understand the effect that her weight or overweight has on her overall health in terms of hypertension and future ailments. The weight gain battle is also causing emotional stress that has a physical toll on the body. Susie must strive for her ideal weight, not just what looks good, but what is healthy for her …show more content…
Positive health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but the capacity to withstand challenges and to accomplish life’s activities with pleasure and energy).” “Exercise protects….” • “The main concept is that exercise (a term we will use generically to cover both exercise training and physical activity) does more than change traditional ‘risk factors’ (blood lipids, hypertension, diabetes, etc.; Mora et al. 2007; Green et al. 2008). In this context, there is a ‘risk factor gap’, and exercise appears to be far more productive than it should be based on changes in traditional risk factors alone.” “Strategies…..” • “Finally, while both diet and exercise are critically important for healthy weight loss and maintenance, exercise is one of the single most important factors in preventing weight
Harvard Medical Group “Best medicine: The science of exercise shows benefits beyond weight …..loss.” Harvard Heart Letter. 23(11) (2013) 6
Why do we need to exercise? With out exercise many of our bodies arteries in the cardiovascular system can become clogged and bring on much unwanted cardiovascular diseases. Exercising regularly helps us maintain a healthy weight if already fi...
It will be important when considering Joes level of positive health to not just consider the absence of disease, but as the cumulative effects of three measures: 1) biological indicators that include measures of physical processes such as cardiac and pulmonary health; 2) Subjective experience of well-being, such as; optimism, hopefulness, vigor, and vitality; 3) Functional measures that can include an assessment on how effectively Joe is accomplishing his daily activities and his adjustment to getting older. Obviously, Joe has weaknesses in most of these measures and is therefore suffering from negative emotions and unhealthy behaviors that are leading to his ineffective functioning and unhelpful interpersonal skills (Compton & Hoffman,
Children that live an unhealthy lifestyle are more prone to becoming obese later in life. Furthermore, the cause of children becoming more obese includes; children that do not participate in physical activity, children that eat lots of snacks, play video games or watch TV, and that do not eat a healthy balanced meal. In addition, the parent or guardian of the child also plays a role in whether the child becomes obese or not by “What” they offer the child to eat, and the type of environment the food is served in such as “When” and “Where” food is offered. Moreover, as a child grows there are different food exposures that create a preference for food intake, these exposures include sweet & salty foods, familiar foods, consumption of foods high
Exercising regularly can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. You don’t need to go to the gym to exercise, doing small actives such as walking somewhere sort distance instead of taking the car or even do some exercises whilst watching T.V. Exercising boost energy, reduces stress, helps you sleep better and lifts our mood. It’s important to eat regular to ensure that your body gets the required amount of energy to move. Skipping a meal doesn’t help loss weight, it means that you will be more likely to eat more during the next meal.
Although most studies have shown that physical activity prevent morbidity and mortality independent of weight, the range of benefits vary for among various groups stratified according to age, sex, race and BMI. Also, different dose of physical ...
The question of whether the public’s health is an individual’s responsibility or the government’s responsibility has been a sticky topic for quite some time now. In order to get closer to an answer, it is important to evaluate the roles individuals have in protecting and improving their health versus the roles the government has. To better understand the situation, I will discuss the case study of obesity. Is it the individual’s responsibility to exercise in order to avoid being obese or is it firstly the governments responsibility to provide safe environments with parks, for example to improve the individuals’ health? This paper will discuss the causes of obesity, what makes obesity an individual’s responsibility, what makes it the government’s
Thompson, P. D., Buchner, D., Pina, I. L., Balady, G. J., Williams, M. A., Marcus, B. H., ... Wenger, N. K. (2003). Exercise in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology. Journal of the American Heart Association, 3110-3116. http://dx.doi.org/doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000075572.40158.77
Vuori, I 2007, ‘Physical activity and health: Metabolic and cardiovascular issues’, Advances in Physiotherapy, vol. 9 pp. 50-64, April.
Making healthy dietary changes can contribute to your daily caloric deficit. The National Heart, Lung, an...
In this essay I am going to investigate whether health is easily defined as the absence of disease or physical injury. According to Health psychology (2009) ‘World Health Organisation defined health as a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. In order to achieve good physical a nutrition diet is needed, healthy BMI, rest and adequate physical exercise is needed.
...the study the participants had to be female and obtain permission from a doctor to clear them for physical activity. The setting was semi-naturalistic. Participants were randomly assigned to the control or the experimental group. Measurements were taken for BMI and blood pressure, as well as a blood sample to determine the participant’s baseline. They were also assessed for activity tolerance, agility and flexibility. The participants in the experimental group underwent 16 weeks of exercise training that consisted of walking, stretching and balance exercises. The classes were held three-times per week, for a duration of about 60-70 minutes. The results showed that there was a significant decrease in all variables measured in the experimental group. Triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and VLDL cholesterols as well as BMI and blood pressure had all decreased.
Exercise is often thought of in a positive light. It is common belief in today’s society that a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine will lead to a long, healthy life. And in the simplest sense of the word, it will.
Staying healthy does not only mean to eat a healthy diet, but also to be active and to provide our body with stamina so it can fight various diseases. According to Myers (2003) around a quarter of a million deaths in the United States are caused by insufficient physical activity. The US Public Health Service (1996) has provided enough evidence towards the effect of physical exercise on cardiovascular (e.g. coronary heart disease) and non-cardiovascular health (hypertension, osteoporosis, colon cancer etc.). They followed a group of people for several years and found a positive correlation between the amount of participants’ physical activity and their health problems. So how much exercise is just enou...
healthy is a major component in ones’ overall wellbeing, more so mentally, but being healthy