Car Seat Procedure

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Often many parents struggle with what car seat to buy their child. Picking the right car seat for your child is very important, but one of the most important things about the child’s car seat is that it is installed properly. Many parents, or caregivers do not take the time out to make sure that their child’s car seat is put into the car correctly, or that the child is properly buckled in correctly. So, parents and/or caregivers, before putting a child into their seats, take the time out to make sure that their car seats are properly installed and that they fit properly in their car seats. First off, it does not matter what car seat you have it is the installation that is important. You must push down on the seat to make sure that the car seat is tightened so that it does not move more than an inch from front to back, or side to side. If you have an infant, use an infant rear facing only car seat, and remember you do not always have to use a base, but it is highly recommended. When using a base, there are two ways you can install them. The first way is to use the anchor latch which you attach to the tether anchors that are in the crease of your cars seat. You must make sure …show more content…

When you take that thicker clothing off the child, the straps are not tight anymore. When in an accident with heavy clothing, or a coat, the child could slide out of the seat due because the harness will not be tightened the way it is supposed to be. The chest clip should always be placed at armpit level and tightened enough to only fit one hand in between the strap and the child’s chest. When using the car seat belt, the chest belt should lie across the chest and not lie against the child’s neck and the lap belt should lie across the top of the thigh, not across the stomach

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