Captain Yossarian's Duty In Catch 22

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People tend to let their personal desires blind their judgement and thoughts. Many of the soldiers in Catch-22 are seen to be misguided by selfish ideals and understandings. A prime example of such misguidance would be Captain Yossarian. Throughout the novel Yossarian is seen to be fueled by a selfish desire for self-preservation, in order to achieve such means he has lied about his health and even purposefully disregarded his duty as a pilot and bomber. Due to his stubborn mindset he’s never really grasped the magnitude of his position and the stakes involved. His argument for his actions is one grounded in the belief that freedom is paramount above all else.

Yossarian believes his participation in the war to, rather than be one of duty, should be one of choice. We find this view mostly presented in his interactions with Clevinger, a fellow soldier that holds to the belief of a soldier's position in war as one based on duty. He argues that abandoning one’s responsibilities simply puts the lives of others in danger, and that participation in the war is inevitable. Yossarian disagrees, stating that his utmost duty is to himself and participation in the war is a …show more content…

Rather, many of them are driven by various other selfish desires. Milo Minderbinder, a lieutenant, is driven by a desire for profit. In order to sate this desire he puts most of his efforts towards forming a syndicate rather than his duties as a lieutenant. Doc Daneeka constantly neglects his duty as a doctor. He always belittles the problems of others while over exaggerating his. Major Major rather than focusing on carrying out his responsibilities as a Major, opts to wallow in self-pity over the fact that he can’t seem to gain approval from his colleagues. One would say that the most accurate representation of a man whose priorities are incredibly misguided would be Lieutenant

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