Capping Rich People

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Have you ever been working for an extended period of time but feel that when your paycheck rolls in you feel robbed or deserve more? Well in today's argument I am here to talk about how income affects us as a population in many ways. So let us adventure in the idea of why we should fight for the minimum wage to be at least $18 dollars. And for the unfair thought of the government making the population so uneven with rich standard and the poor standard. Which will shows the reason for capping a number of rich people how earn a vast amount of money every day. In the idea of capping the income to rich people, my first reason is if we do not stop or limit the amount of income that rich people get it will create more poverty. This is because people in the lower class will receive less income which transfers most of the money into the rich system. For example in 1979 and 2007 corporate profit increased to 13% per year causing households income to increased 275 percent for the richest percent of households. Which is a total different story when you view everyone else because the rest of the people income had shrunk 2% which was caused throw the great gain from major incorporated companies. …show more content…

This might raise the question how does this affect us as law following citizens. Well when you hear unequal distribution the main idea that those two words tell us, is the action of not giving something fairly among people which usually leads to people getting angry. For example in early 1940 to 1970 the income had doubled causing a level of money to uniquely distribute into families. This was causing a shift making a richer standard family and then the poor families which were not good. This lead to that shift that made it really hard for a lot of homes to go out and pay for something they really needed which caused the economy a lot of loss in money from people not spending on

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