Cancer Personal Statement

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The first spark of my interest in science flared when I was at the junior school. I was a curious boy which was full of excitement when he was hearing stories about animals and plants and cells. This excitement made me to study natural science in high school. At high school I became familiar with the cellular and molecular researches and the pioneer role of genetic studies in the future of medicine and how it can make science fiction become true – as it is not so beyond the reality by CRISPR gene editing technology and human genome project WRITE– and the combination of this knowledge with my intrinsic tendency to endless journeys, made me to choose cellular and molecular biology not only as university major, but also as my academic journey. …show more content…

During my research about cancer and it’s treatment, I became familiar with personalized cancer therapy and how it can cures people and this would be the future of cancer treatment. Personalized cancer therapy became my mind obsession and during the analysis of the procedure, I realized the analysis of high throughput data is the basis of this great field of research. So I attended the NGS RNA-seq workshop. But my ambition didn’t satisfy by that workshop so I continued study about this fascinating field myself, and after a long effort I finally could manage a team to present the “analysis of cancer genomic data with the aspect of precision cancer therapy” …show more content…

Although dissertation in our university is an optional course for bachelor students, my curiosity about this field – which I think had pivotal impact on my brother’s disease – made me to start a new project on evaluation of how stress can induce DNA structural damage on mice, which could be an important sign of other genetic based diseases. The project is still ongoing and we are looking forward to publish our data in the following year. Handling mice was one of my most important achievements during this project.
I am also looking forward to attend Royan Institute course on labratory techniques on molecular biology which contains more than 230 hours lab work on different fields of molecular research.
Nowadays, science is not based on the person, teams containing researchers of different fields lead the science to its ultimate destination. I am very glad and honorable of experiencing different teamwork. I was an official member of the student scientific society of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad for three years, thereby we became executive member of different congresses. Also I am honored to stablish a group of motivated students which we held some sessions each week, discussing different scientific topics or a book chapter each

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