Cancer Informative Speech

707 Words2 Pages

There is a surprisingly simple, non-toxic, as well as inexpensive, do-it-yourself way to, convert cancerous cells back to normal. Not only that but, it's also an easy way to prevent acquiring cancer in the future. Yes, cancer prevention is possible! It's thought that millions in the nation already have cancer in various stages of development - yet to be diagnosed. Thus, you should begin your cancer prevention ASAP - like tomorrow! The good news is, it's not really that difficult.
You will soon discover that cancer is not really some mysterious disease, just waiting to attack us for no good reason. Some highly aggressive enemy we will somehow require the use highly toxic therapies (capable of causing cancer), in an attempt to kill it "along …show more content…

For example, some food additives (especially sweeteners), are contributing to both the cancer, and diabetes epidemics. Elevated blood sugar (and insulin) not only contributes to the development of diabetes, but also provides cancer with its primary source of energy. Although common table sugar is bad enough, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which has replaced sugar in most beverages and processed foods, is actually "even worse". It not only promotes diabetes and obesity, but also provides an optimum source or energy for cancer. Even worse HFCS also stimulates cancer growth! That's just one example. There are many others as well - too numerous to mention here. Even some artificial sweeteners are a concern. For example, the no calorie sweetener aspartame is not a food, but instead a toxic genetically modified chemical, containing the most dangerous form of alcohol (menthol, or wood alcohol), that in the body converts to formaldehyde (embalming fluid)! That can easily establish an auto immune reaction - as the body considers embalmed tissue as foreign tissue. According to the neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., aspartame is well known as a neurotoxin, and can increase the risk of acquiring brain cancer, and several neurological

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