Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms

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The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms(CCORAF) Guarantees a Free and Democratic Society
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms upholds the individual rights of all Canadians. Agree or disagree with the following statement.

The Charter is part of Canada’s constitution; the highest law of Canada, which sets out the framework for how Canada is to be governed. The CCORAF sets out those rights and freedoms that Canadians feel are necessary to maintain Canada as a free and democratic community. The Charter created several constitutional protections for individuals, which apply to all laws and government. However, each right comes with a responsibility that all citizens need to enforce to their daily lives. If all Canadians are capable of taking …show more content…

Also, HoC and Legislation shall not have terms for more than five years, and shall meet once every twelve months. This document provides essential protections to all Canadians for their rights and freedoms. Currently, most people in other countries have been willing to die for the right to vote, whereas Canada has had this benefit from the start. Richard Sauve, an inmate of the federal prison, challenged a department of the Canada Elections Act. He denied federal jailbirds serving a sentence for more than two years did not have the right to vote in federal elections. This violated his democratic right to vote, even though it is granted to all Canadians. However, Canada is justified in restricting rights to keep itself as a free and democratic society when necessary. Richard Sauve’s decision was his self opinion, but the Charter has it’s own voice as well. A prisoner who serves a sentence for more than two years has broken the law, and done some act of murder, kidnap, or even assault. This proves that they are not capable of handling such a great privilege. Also, elections that happen elsewhere, have no connection to what goes on within jail. All the rules would still follow the same principle which applies to all captives as it does now. If the CCORAF believes it is not necessary for prisoners to vote, it has it’s …show more content…

Innocence until proven guilty, life, liberty, security, no language barriers, protection from unreasonable search and seizure and not to experience cruel and unusual punishments are the main, beneficial rights given to Canadians within their Legal Rights. The CCORAF displays full responsibility of taking control over these conveniences guaranteed to all Canadians. In 2006, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that police officers had regulated an unreasonable search and seizure for drugs in a high school with a sniffer dog. No right was restricted, but several high school students found that it violated their Legal Right of protection from unreasonable search and seizure. Either the police intended on keeping the school a safe place with no drugs and weapons involved, or they were searching through personal items for some kind of future reference or project. Either way, the police are not designated to hold such violations in an inappropriate manner. The CCORAF took excellent steps to protect individual rights and freedoms from these random observations. If the Charter did not uphold these individual privileges, not only would several Canadians feel unsafe and unprotected, but Canada’s quality of life would be very low in comparison to other countries. The CCORAF took immediate actions

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