Can emotions and a person’s perception influence or change their reality?

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In reality emotions and perception can influence or change the reality of how the character or person acts and sees things. The stories “Hitchhiker”, “The Tell-Tall Heart”, and “Monster”, are a few stories influenced under the effects of emotions and perception. In each story they show signs of perspective and emotions. From either being insane or to where you hear different sides of a story it changes how the reader/viewer sees the plot line of the story. These three stories have evidence to this statement.
In the story “The Hitchhiker” has evidence towards the prompt. Ronald Adams has decided to leave his mom to travel to California. The another states these evident here “On Adams trip he encounters a man on the Brooklyn Bridge, a man like no other known as the Hitchhiker. Adams sees the Hitchhiker every time he stops but soon or later he constantly sees him.” We have evidence in the story that the author wrote “Then Adams decides to pick up a female hitchhiker and he offers to take her to Texas but Adams tried killing the Hitchhiker and the lady Adams picked up didn’t see him and she found him crazy and left”. Adam finally decides to take a call to his mom in a town in New Mexico. We have evidence in the story “He calls his mom but to his surprises she’s in the hospital from a heart attack from her son Ronald Adams death on the Brooklyn Bridge”. This is a very good piece of evidence to the scenario from Ronald’s point of view in the story there’s a mad hitchhiker after him and makes him seem mad to everyone around, but if the story was played in another point of view such as the female hitchhiker the story would be played in a whole different way.
In “The Tell-Tale Heart” we have a lot of evidence towards being crazy. Evidence...

... middle of paper ... from their perspective we would have been given other information and another side to the story.
With the details from these stories we can compare, that the prompt is correct. In the story “Hitchhiker” to us the man seems mad and insane and if we had someone else’s perspective of this story we would see him as a mad man or a dead son. In the story “The Tell-Tall Heart” the narrator sees himself as a sane man who thinks he did right by killing the old man but to us he’s just an insane man who killed a man for no possible reason other than the old man’s eye scared him, the story “Monster” we see Steve as not the killer but to the people in the story he seems a little guilty to the case but in reality he wasn’t involved into the story. These stories have given me the evidence that we need to understand that emotions and perspective can change the reality of life.

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