Call Of Duty Research Paper

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Call of Duty: Time to Stop Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, FIFA. They sound like great books, but they are all video games. Video games have been sold since the 60s. Without a doubt, it is important to understand the effect video games have on us. Engaging in video games can decidedly upset physical health. Initially, video games have a negative effect on physical health with such problems as carpal tunnel syndrome, strain in the neck area, painful elbows, and they can also lead the player to obesity. As stated by Green, because “they hold their body in one position for hours” they perform the “same movement over and over.” This holding of the body in game position for hours can cause pain and tension in your neck, wrist, or elbow. It’s impossible to know if this pain can cause lasting physical damage. Playing video games not only affects your neck, wrist, and elbow, but it can also lead to obesity. As stated by Joseph Green, “Video games have also been blamed for the rise on obesity. People may choose video games over physical activity.” This happens because you are spending too much time sitting and playing video games, and you will probably be lazy. There are many people with obesity caused by playing video games too many hours and not getting exercise. Obesity and …show more content…

Vicky Healy tells about a young boy named Ryan Cassidy who played video games from 10:30 p.m. until 2 a.m. He did not get enough sleep. We are supposed to sleep about nine hours per night, but because of the video games, those addicted to video games are sleeping around 6.6 to 7.5 hours per night, according to Healy. This long time playing is obviously a sign of addiction. This teenager had to be sleeping instead of playing during the whole night because this is an example of video games causing less REM sleep, which could affect grades, memories, etc. Unquestionably, this is a way video games can affect your

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