C-Seasonal Abundance of Pulvinaria Psidii Maskel Stages and Total Population Infest Guava Trees at Qaliobiya Governorate

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C-Seasonal abundance of Pulvinaria psidii Maskel stages and total population infest guava trees at Qaliobiya governorate:

Seasonal abundance of P. psidii different stages and total population infesting guava trees at Qaliobiya governorate from 1st April 2005 till mid March 2007 were investigated and tabulated in tables (XVII &XVIII) and graphically illustrated in fig (87-9)

Seasonal fluctuation of ovisacs:

The results in the tables (XVII) and figure (87) proved that, the P. psidii ovisacs have regular occurrence all over the year, except during the end of each year (from 1st January till 1st April) where the number were very low. Also there were a moderate three highness in number egg sacs after that the number is decreased followed that peaks in egg population were achieved. The 1st peak was at mid June (19 ovi sacs/leaf), the 2nd peak at mid August (15 ovisacs/leaf) and the 3rd peak occurred at 1st Nov. with (14 ovisacs/leaf).

Also during second year of study we found three peaks which were recorded at 1st July (12 ovsac / leaf), mid September (18 ovsac / leaf) and 1st December (13 ovsac / leaf) respectively. As we refereed proceeding after the three peaks at the end of second year the numbers of the ovisacs were very low till the end of the year.

Seasonal fluctuation of preadult:

Considering the data of the first year (2005-2006) that shown in the same tables and graphically in Figure (88), it could be detected that nymphal stage had three apexes were achieved during 1st May, 1st August and mid of October 2005 with 320, 285 and 223 nymphs / leaf respectively. The results obtained in the second year (2006-2007) which illustrated in the same table & Fig .demonstrated that P. psidii nymphal...

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...overing a posterior portion of eyes, clypeus with marginal ridge, elevated at its middle and depressed on both sides; epistoma dilated, concealing the base of antennae and subdividing the eyes; antenna 8-segmented, clavate, the terminal joint tapering; labrum dark brown& hairy; mandible with two teeth only. Pronotum reddish brown, meso& metathorax dark brown; elytra reddish brown and shining, with three red spots on each elytron, the two inner spots united; the outer side of the tibia at the basal third with tooth-like extension, claws toothed. Abdominal segments are five visible in female &six in male.

3-Amblyserius swiriskii (Figure 80) This mite is belonging to Family Phytoseiidae, which are free-living predaceous mites, it can be distinguished from other related species by its body which is compressed dorsally, brownish in color, with dorsal shield large.

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