Burdens In The Vietnam War

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Everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, is subject to a burden. Whether this is a physical sense or a mental sense, everyone has their amount that they carry and a limit they must not exceed. This is especially true for those who have to venture into dark times in their lives. One such time period was the Vietnam War, where men as young as 18 years old, fresh out of High School, are thrown in the silent, wet, and most importantly deadly rainforests of Vietnam, where they are expected to throw away their short lives fighting for a country they barely knew.

In a sense, their knowledge can precede those people not born and raised here with a greater quantity of years because of the intrinsic values and beliefs that are instilled …show more content…

Burdens are a part of everyday life. They help to mold us into the people we need to be and, if we can learn to use burdens for our own uses, we can become the person we want to be. Our ability as a person is directly attributed to our risk taking factor, which in turn, also correlates with burdens. When a person takes a risk, they allow themselves to experience at least some of the events they are throwing themselves into. To truly be done with that particular time and event they need to fully understand and immerse themselves in the event so they may live past it and not behind …show more content…

Where would they be instead of here? In the end, when the risk is taken and consequences become obvious, bad or good, people realise that a risk taken is better than one not taken. For even if someone makes a negative choice and screw up, they learn from the experience. People seem to have this notion that people can be either positive or negative, but this just is not the case. Everyone makes mistakes. Every. Single. Person. No one is perfect. Therefore everyone has done good things and done some bad things. It is only with what someone does with their power and their energy that decides who they are. Everyone can do anything they set their minds to and word toward. It only takes them believing in themselves to make it

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