Budget Cuts In Art Education Essay

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Since 2001, budget cuts in art education have increased dramatically. In New York from 2006-2011 funding for art education in public schools were cut 68% (Phifer 2).This epidemic is spreading all across America due to the push for better standardized test scores. Reading and math have become the governments highest priority, leaving the arts in the shadows. But what if the arts could also improve test scores? Despite what many government leaders believe, budget cuts in art education are depriving Americas children emotionally, academically and socially.
Emotional stimulation is a key part of the arts. Before and during adolescence students go through many emotional changes and experiences. It is important that they find a healthy and natural …show more content…

In art classes, one big factor is for students to be able to talk about their piece of art with their peers and teachers. Through this exercise they learn how to communicate with others in a professional and comfortable manner. Studies show that “Children who regularly participate in a comprehensive arts program are four-times more likely to be elected to class office” (Abrakadoodle). Children who participate in the arts are also more likely to meet different types of people and learn to socialize with many different personalities. For children who come from economic hardships, academics and making friends can be extremely tough. But, through art education these students have a greater chance to accomplish what they thought they couldn’t in past. It’s proven that art in schools “has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the "learning field" across socio-economic boundaries” (Americans for the Arts). For students who participate in art competitions, they are able to travel and experience meeting new people and being in new places. Students are always encouraged to gather opinions from other students and work together, expanding their team-building skills and teaching them to respect contrasting viewpoints. Since the arts is universal, students learn about arts in other cultures and the history of it. They begin to appreciate and be aware of different cultures and …show more content…

Because of budget cuts, children will have a lowered emotional awareness and be less capable of expressing their emotions in a healthy way. Their literacy and critical thinking skills will not be up to par and students will not be as able and willing to start and finish their work. Children won’t be as socialized and have an awareness for different people and customs. All in all, the government should stop cutting funds for art education just because they want better standardized test

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