Buddhism Research Paper

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What makes Buddhism such an interesting and popular religion today? Many thing are very unique to Buddhism. Their rituals and religion are some of the oldest known to man. Buddhism started around 5th century BCE. Buddhism has deep roots in India and was started by a man named Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha. Buddhism is a religion with great history and traditions that keep it going

Buddha was a prince whose original name was Siddhartha Gautama. He lived in India several hundred years before Jesus. After seeing extreme luxury and poverty Buddha chose the “middle way,” a life with neither of these things. He began to teach his religion of self-denial and universal brotherhood. Buddha was an advocate for getting rid of the caste system because he felt that all humans should be equal; he gained many followers by doing so. He began in the eastern part of Ancient India, and around the ancient Kingdom of Magadha. Buddhism is one of the oldest practiced religions in the world and has 376 million followers worldwide. Buddhism is a religion founded by Buddha. The religion emphasizes spiritual and physical discipline because with those things you gain liberation from the physical world. The goal for the Buddhist is to achieve Nirvana. Nirvana is a state of absolute peace in which …show more content…

Typically on these holidays the buddhist will go to their temple to make offerings of gifts, food, or other necessities to the monastic monks or nuns. Most of the food that they eat vegetarian because they are restricted with meat.Vesak is Buddha’s birthday and is one of the most celebrated festivals of the year. Another holiday that the Buddhist celebrate is Bodhi, which is the day in which Buddha achieved enlightenment. During Bodhi individuals meditate, study Dharma, and chant Buddhist texts. These Holidays are very important to them because they remind them of their religions

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