Bud Not Buddy Sparknotes

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Bud, Not Buddy in Today's World POW! You're in the 1930s and your bank account is as dry as the Sahara Desert. Bud is the main character in Bud, Not Buddy who's gone through many life tragedies. His mom died when he was six-years-old. So, he was put in an orphanage. He ran away from his last foster home and began a perilous journey to find his long-lost father. Bud, Not Buddy would be a different book if written in the twenty-first century because there would be amber alerts, running water, better medicines or vaccines, and people would have more money. Initially, Bud, Not Buddy would be a different book if written in the twenty-first century because of better police policies. In Chapter 4, Bud runs away from the Amos's house, in modern times the police would have been caught by law enforcement before he could even go two miles. The Amos's boy Todd abused Bud but, Todd's mom believed Todd not Bud, so Bud had to spend the night in a shed. Bud ran away from the Amos's to the library never to see the Amos's or the orphanage ever again. In Chapter 12, the police would have caught the labor …show more content…

In Chapter 1, Bud said that his mother died and you can infer that she died because of a disease because of the way Bud describes it. Bud's mother had been looking at a poster of The Dusky Devastators of the Depression in the beginning of that day. Later in the day Bud went to go check on his mother and that's when he found her. In Chapter 14, Bud's hand was infected because of "Fish Head Guard" bites from Chapter 3. Miss Thomas had asked Bud what was wrong with his hand and why it was infected. When Bud stated that he had been bitten by "Fish Head Guards" and stung by wasps. In conclusion Bud, Not Buddy would be different if written in the twenty-first century because there would be more hospitals and better

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