Brutus Treaties In Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare involves many controversies between a numerous amount of characters. The townspeople are in love with the protagonist, Julius Caesar, who is a big headed man about to be crowned as king. Though the people praise Caesar, they unfortunately also fear him, due to his very rude and disrespectfulness towards everyone he encounters. Because of the high amount fear and displeasure are taking place, one of his best friends, Brutus is convinced by some of the fellow people who have experienced Caesars unacceptable behavior firsthand, to become king instead. Brutus had been incredibly pretentious yet also very indecisive as well. Brutus is well known for being brave and honorable, and does not appreciate the conceited …show more content…

Caesar is also again on the day that the soothsayer predicted his fate, told by his wife, Calpurnia, of a dream she had of his death in a fairly accurate and almost exact way he was going to die. Caesar being the way that he is, told his wife that he had nothing to fear, because he believed in dying when he is meant to pass away. Although he does agree to Calpurnia to take precautions and not attend senate, as he had originally planned. Caesar is then convinced by Decius that the dream of his wife was mistaken, and was just a bunch of nonsense; but if the dream indeed contained meaning, he suggested that it was merely a dream of his becoming, a new start for Caesar and Rome, not his death. With all of the people involved in the death of Caesar it is easily mistaken to be perceived as an act of butchery because of course, since there was a lot of thought and planning that went towards his death, and it was not in a subtle or painless way. Regardless of the way he died, Caesar’s character is further being portrayed as a stubborn man, yet worshiped by his people, this shows the amount of power that he contained, and the amount of worship further exploits the amount of fear the people truly had towards him. Because of this it was made clear as to why Brutus felt the need to help his people, to make Rome what it should

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