Brown V Board Of Education Essay

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The Brown v. Board of Education case had a big impact not only on the case but more so on history itself. This case showed others that there was separation of education for children like having a black school were only colored children were allowed to go to and a white school for white children only. Linda Brown a third grader who played a role in this case due to the fact that she had lived about seven blocks away from the nearest all white school, however she was denied admission so she instead had to attend an all black school which was a mile away considering how there was 18 schools in the Topeka neighborhood for white children and only 4 schools for black children. Linda’s father, Oliver Brown had challenged the school segregation law in the supreme court by achieving help from the NAACP to help address this situation. The historical context …show more content…

From this quote is still goes to show that people still had a hard time trying to get used to the Brown v. Board of Education decision that was made. White families had decided to move their children into private schools instead of letting them go to public schools after the decision was made. The impact of this case has changed the lives of many people today in our society. Nowadays we see children of all color and race attending the same school whether it's a public school or private school. If Mr. Brown had never enrolled his daughter Linda into an all-white school then there would still be a little bit of segregation in our educational system today. To this day it is not the law to have school educational systems to segregate children's by their race. This case is still relevant still to this day because after the decision was made for the Brown V. Board of Education many supporters and leaders from the Civil Rights Movement including even leaders like Martin Luther King had praised

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