Brook Fishing Research Paper

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Secrets To Successful Brook Trout Fishing In catching brook trout, there aren’t any big secrets. It is relatively simple to catch this marvelously colored trout. Trout fishing secrets basically consist of doing research and putting that information into action. It’s best if we put things into action; getting out on a stream and putting to use what we have learned in order to catch these colorful members of the char family. Many experienced trout fishing experts have learned some things about brookies. You might find these tidbits useful in your trout fishing. Of course, it’s not guaranteed that if you use these tips you’re going to be successful every time you go fishing. Because fishing doesn’t work that way, if it did then we wouldn’t call …show more content…

These worms come in different sizes and varieties, however, the dew worm is the most widely used in many areas. During a rainy day or near the end of a long dry spell are a couple of the best times to go fishing for brook trout. In the rainy season, there will be lots of bait being washed into the streams which feeds the brookies. After many days of no rain the brookies will start looking for food because nothing has been washed up for them, so if a fisherman comes along and presents enticing bait to the trout, it will usually be eager to take the bait. The best way to present a worm is by using gang hooks. Making a gang hook is very simple. All you have to do is to tie a hook about 4 inches up from the body of the line then tie another one at the bottom. Typically, the top of the worm is threaded on the top hooks and the bottom of the worm will be threaded on the bottom hook. Thus it will allow the worm to float naturally in the current. The use of spinners and spoons for fishing at the larger streams is very useful. Most experts favor the spinners known as the Martin Panters, mepp’s and blue fox. It has a standard size of 0 to 1; it is often paired with a minnow or a worm. The spoon most experts use are the Len Thompson or EGB, which also has the sizes of 0 to

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