Brief Summary: The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connel

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In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connel, there are several actions that I would have taken differently if I were Rainsford such as, I would not have made it to the island in the first place, General Zaroff would have interacted differently with me, and if by some happenstance I ended up being hunted by him, I would have been killed. The circumstance at the beginning of the story leads me to believe that I would not end up on the island at all. The first part of the story that causes Rainsford to end up in that situation is being an adept big-game hunter. I do not hunt, therefore I would not have ended up on the boat. If I were however on the boat, I would not have fallen off of it the way that Rainsford did because I do not smoke and therefore would not have fallen off of the boat because I was awake smoking. A third and final reason that I would not have made it to the island is that I am unable to swim and would have drowned after falling off of the boat. If I did make it to the island, the way events occurred there would not have happened in the same way either. …show more content…

I can assume that I found the mansion easily, but being me, I would not be famous or known enough for General Zaroff to help or be nice to me. However, if I were as famous as Rainsford and for the same reason, my interaction with General Zaroff would have ended differently as well. I have always wanted to test the limits of the human body and mind, and I believe that if I were in this situation, I would likely side with Zaroff and hunt with him. However, if I were unable to react in that way, and ended up hunted by Zaroff, two issues would cause the encounter to turn out

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