Brief Summary Of The Book 'Evicted' By Matthew Desmond

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The book Evicted is a story about the poorest neighborhoods of Milwaukee, Matthew Desmond tells devastating stories of the eight families that faced eviction. In this locality, eviction has become a daily event and families spend most of their income on accommodation. Arleen the single mother who tries her best to raise her sons gets evicted just a couple days before christmas by Sherrena, the landlord who thinks that love does not pay the bills and has a successful real estate business because most of her tenants are below the poverty line. These families fate is being held by Sherrena and Tobin Charney, who's the owner of the trailer park that was forced to evict tenants from his park by common council if he wants to keep his licence. Scott was a nurse before he got addicted to heroin, he lived with his best friend, Teddy. Tobin gave them an eviction notice after office Susie tells Tobin that Pam and Ned were staying with Scott and teddy. Lamar, a man who has prosthetic legs, lives in the neighborhood and looks over Luke and Eddy, his sons. Desmond’s discussion in Evicted is successful because he uses his own writing style, interesting discussions, speaker organized , and reality. …show more content…

I enjoy reading Evicted very much for the reason that the emotions that were put into the texts make me think what if I were them. The author, Desmond uses easy language to understand as to get along with and feel the meaning of it.. I think that nobody should face eviction “it is hard to argue that housing is not a fundamental human need. Decent, affordable housing should be a basic right for everybody in this country. The reason is simple: without stable shelter, everything else falls apart.” ( Desmond) All of the families are spending almost everything they have on rent, and all of them have fallen

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