Brief Summary Of 'Arachne' By Olivia Coolidge

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Arachne Summary In the myth,”Arachne” as retold by Olivia Coolidge, a young girl challenges a goddess and faces the consequences. Arachne is a very good spinner and weaver in Ancient Greece. The myth starts when the young Arachne becomes especially famous with her amazing weaving and spinning. But when Arachne becomes famous she becomes very rude and develops a bad attitude of hubris. She thinks that she is as good as all gods and goddesses. The daughter of Zeus, Athena listens to what Arachne is saying. Athena wants to disguise herself as a crone to warn Arachne about her hubris. Arachne does not listen to the wiseness of the crone and responds very rudely. Then Arachne proceeds to insult Athena. Athena reveals herself as a goddess and

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