Brief Summary Observation Of Chris Scholz's Case

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I arrived at 301 Jackson St. Gorham and met with Chris Scholz. I observed numerous bloody injuries to Chris Scholz’s head and face. I asked if Scholz wanted an ambulance. He denied an ambulance because he stated he did not have any medical insurance. Scholz said he would go to the hospital by private vehicle, if necessary. Scholz told me the following: Scholz went to the residence with his daughter, Makely Scholz, to retrieve some of his sister’s, Britany Scholz, property. Britany Scholz and Brooks ended their relationship a few days ago and she did not have any property. Britany Scholz was unable to go to the residence and retrieve her property because she was afraid of Brooks. Scholz stated Britany Scholz and Brooks have a history …show more content…

Scholz was standing in the living room. Scholz said Brooks yelled he was going to “get his shit and kill them all” while waving around Britany’s Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun. Scholz said, “Dude, you’re not going to hurt my family.” Scholz’s daughter was at his side, when Brooks pointed the handgun towards him and fired. Scholz said there should be a bullet hole in the wall of the residence. Scholz’s thought Brooks was going to kill him. Brooks walked around the kitchen counter and into the living room. Brooks began “pistol whipping” Scholz in the head. Scholz stated he grabbed his daughter and shielded her. Scholz was on the living room floor, down on his hands and knees covering his daughter. Scholz said he took numerous blows to the head. When Brooks stopped hitting Scholz with the gun, he fled the residence in his vehicle. Scholz drove to his parent’s residence located at 301 Jackson St. Gorham, Illinois. I asked Scholz about the drug paraphernalia. Scholz initially denied anything about it, but later told me he was at the residence earlier in the morning. While he was there, Brooks had some methamphetamine and the pipe. Scholz said Brooks asked him if he wanted some. Scholz said he took a couple of “hits.” Scholz did not have his daughter during the time he was

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