Brent Staples Discrimination

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The discrimination of white people to black people still dawdles even after the blacks took their freedom. Instead of having their own identity they are victims of discrimination and are stereotyped undesirably. Staples opens his essay with a story of him walking an appropriate distance behind a young white female that when she noticed him, she involuntarily picked up her speed appearing as if she was “the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or worse” (Staples 110). Because of this, blacks constantly have this “precaution” they have to take when in public in order to make them less threatening. Brent Staples speaks about this notion when he takes precaution of the way he enters a building or his body language when he walks around at night even his response when pulled over by police (Staples 112). I do believe that these precautions become helpful because white American’s, no matter what, will always have a presumed judgment or schema in their minds about black people. The first thing that is assumed with a black person is negative or that they are up to no good. When Staples will be “ente...

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