Breaking the law

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Is there ever an appropriate time to break the law? With the proper cause, then yes, the law should be broken. Certain unjust laws should be challenged and broken. If a law is unjust and wrong, it is our right as human beings is to stand up for what is right and rebel against such law. If there weren’t people in history who rebelled and fought for what they believed in, the world would have stayed the same as it was when it first began. Whether it is characters or historical people, the world has been changed and shaped by those who challenged the laws that are wrong and unjust.
Antigone was a rebel because she broke a law for the honor of her family. She knew the consequences to her actions and she did it anyway. She knew that the law preventing her from giving her brother a proper burial was wrong and this caused her to break this unjust law. She wanted Ismene to scream from the rooftops about her burying her brother because she knew what she was doing was the right action to be made. Antigone was brave in her bold act and took her chances with how it would turn out for her. Altho...

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