Breakfast At Sallys Analysis

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In the documentary Reel Injun by Neil Diamond it talks about how Native Americans are discriminated against in modern and early America. It shows how discrimination affects the natives in multiple ways, some feel as if they are unwanted on America and don’t exist. Also in the poem In Response to Executive Order 9066: All Americans of Japanese Descent Must Report to Relocation Centers by Dwight Okita and the letters and reports regarding Japanese internment by Various authors shows how the Japanese were discriminated against for their heritage and background. Also, how that discrimination separated families and made the Japanese feel as if they were unwanted in America. Finally in the book Breakfast at Sally’s by Richard LeMieux it tells a true …show more content…

He is talking on the phone and when he finishes Richard asks him for any spare cash or change he might have. In response the man said “How do I know that it isn’t going toward alcohol or drugs. I sell real estate for a living I’m trying to rebuild the city by bringing people in here who have money. People like you hanging around just lower the property value”. Richard never had a drug or alcohol problem the only reason he was homeless was because of his business falling through. Would you like it if someone referred to you are “you people”, that is pretty degrading. It makes you feel horrible and terrible about yourself and makes you feel as if you are a waste of space and that there is nothing left for you in the world. The things we all take for granted like a bed and a warm place to sleep homeless people don’t have and they stress over it everyday. The one discriminating action we have toward homeless people is not letting them tell us their story. Not all of them are homeless because of drugs and alcohol some stories are more complicated than that. When you automatically assume that they are druggies it hurts them and that can lead to clinical depression which because they don’t have money they can get the help they need for it so many of them end up committing

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