Brave New World VS The Island Essay

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No matter how they are told or expressed, most dystopian stories have several similar assets. They are usually made to be unique, however there are usually numerous links between them. The book Brave New World and the film “The Island” are prime examples of this statement. A few similarities include the actions of hypnopaedia, forbidden love and affection, and un-natural births.
“No social stability without individual stability” (Huxley, 2007, p.26) is a quote cited from the book Brave New World which helps to identify why, in their society, they feel it is mandatory to brainwash the developing children. This is done by playing continuous recordings during a specific amount of time while the children are sleeping. This is called sleep learning. This method was introduced by accident when a Polish boy named Reuben Rabinovitch fell asleep with a radio receiver on and was later able to recite an entire broadcast in English. The boy was not able to comprehend what he had heard, however this form of hypnopaedia was soon seen as an effective way to help report suggestions about morality, such as to convince people to be content with their place in society.
Much like the book Brave New World, a form of brainwash is introduced and used in the film “The Island” as well. Clones receive memory implants and are exposed to video clips of real life experiences throughout the twelve months they are growing. These videos vary between twelve different generic life memories. After the twelve months are over, the clones come to believe that they are real human survivors who had been saved from a worldwide contamination. This process helps to convince them that they are real human beings, without having any thoughts that they could be clones. All i...

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...ile developing in a large plastic sac. Just like in Brave New World, they are ranked by castes such as Echo, Delta and others. However, the different castes depend on which generation they were fabricated in. These clones are used if the clients are in need of an organ transplant, a surrogate mother or for other purposes. Therefore, in both Brave New World and “The Island”, there are no natural births and each person in placed into a specific caste.
As one can clearly see, it is clear that the book Brave New World and the film “The Island” are very similar in more ways than one. They both use corresponding ways to ensure a perfect society. Hypnopaedia, forbidden love and affection, and un-natural births are a aspects used to identify the similarities. Considering the similarities and equalities, which of the two societies resemble the twenty first century the most?

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