Brave New World Section 1 Analysis

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The United States of America is one of the best countries in the world, facilitating a complex democratic system that protects the people’s rights. America is praised for achieving this almost perfect system of government, influencing many other countries around the world. The Constitution is an American document that explains our form of government. This article contains seven different sections, with the first article describing the Legislative Branch in our government. I believe that the most critical elements of the article are Sections 2, 4, and 9. Respectively, each section describes how the House of Representatives are formed, that the states may select their own methods for electing members of Congress, and places the limits of Congress. In Article I of the Constitution, there are many that are are …show more content…

The House of Representatives is one of the two houses of the United States’ Congress, along with the Senate. Combined, these two houses make up the first step in creating a new national law. In the Senate, there are two representatives from each state, making a total of 100 members, who create laws. More important bills are discussed in the Senate, as it is thought to be much more prestigious. The House of Representatives have 435 members, as the population of the state determines the amount of members in the House. This helps the general population have a greater representation in the government. In the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, a dystopia is presented with a world where people have no representation. They are brainwashed to believe a certain viewpoint and do not have any portrayal in their government. However, the House of Representatives achieves in this concept of representation of the general population. In fact, “The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of

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