Brave New World Identity Quotes

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Huxley’s Brave New World is a dystopia. The world state is full of all the things one could ever want: happiness, security, sex. Yet still the world state would be the most horrible place to live in. Brave New World is a satirical novel exaggerating but also illuminating the truth. The reader becomes aware of the similarities between the World State and our current world and in the ways they differ. The novel makes the reader do more than just compare the real world to the world state; it made me aware of some essential things constituting being human. We need to have the full capacity and range to think and feel for ourselves to be able to orient ourselves and create an identity. Moreover, faults, natural processes, as well as books are what …show more content…

Although the World State’s motto is “community, identity, stability,” (1) there is no individual identity, rather everyone identifies with each other as a whole stable community. Throughout the novel, Bernard underhandedly mentions the conditioning process. Often interrupting Lenina to finish her phrase or commenting afterwards the amount of times the phrase was drilled into her head, once being “two hundred repetitions, twice a week from fourteen to sixteen and a half” (94). Nevertheless, Lenina believes the words she says to be her own. She is unaware of the conditioning process she went though, despite displaying the conditioned results. Conditioning reminds me of the repetitions we went through ourselves as children: parents’ warnings of not talking to strangers, belief in God reinforced by Sundays spent at the temple. Unlike the characters in Brave New World, we can learn to think for ourselves. Our parents, pastors, and teachers conditioned us to have certain beliefs but once we reach maturity we can believe otherwise or we can continue to believe in what they say, but regardless it is our own choice to do so. We have the capacity to make our own decisions, so we model ourselves after others we trust and by doing so we create an identity for

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