Bottlenose Dolphin

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General classifications: Bottlenose dolphins are the most common and well known members of the dolphin family. They are mammals and their scientific name is Tursiops Truncatus. They can be found in pods (which means a group of dolphins) and extremely few are found alone. These dolphins are also part of the Delphinidae family which means dolphins in Greek. Appearance: Bottlenose dolphins are known to be two to four meters long and their average weight is between 150 to 200kg. The dolphin’s snout is short and rounded at the top which gives it its name- as it is like a bottle. The dolphins have many shades of grey skin but white on their underside. Bottlenose dolphins use their two side flippers to steer through strong currents and to make tight turns. Their tail is called a fluke and is used to push the dolphins through the water and gives it its speed. The top fin is called a dorsal fin and is used to help the dolphin balance and in fact it is not needed - so dolphins could survive without a dorsal fin. A dolphin can have between 18 to 26 teeth which are used for grasping their food. A dolphin has its snout at the middle of the head, one eye on each side of their head and a blowhole at the top, which is how they breathe. Dolphins do not have gills. …show more content…

Bottlenose dolphins find their food in a pod in a way that is very smart for an animal. In their pod they round a school of fish by circling around them and one by on going into the fish grabbing one and they continue this. If they continue this they will all get a good amount of food for them to eat. As well as these foods sometimes bottlenoses eat crabs and other small

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