Born To Be Different By Camille Lewis Summary

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One thing for sure Men and Women are different despite the obvious biological differences between them too. In a essay written by Camille Lewis titled “Born to Be Different?,” explains how she suspected “gender differences were learned, not inborn” (293), which resulted in her belief to be wrong. After reading further along her essay I came to a agreement how men and women are simply born with major differences “when is comes to our diverse brain development” (296) in almost every measurable aspect, but also share similarities to an extent. Whether it is men have bigger brains then women, but yet “the sexes score equally well on intelligence tests” (294) or women have more ability to do “several tasks” (294) and “hold several conversation simultaneously” (294) then men. What ever the …show more content…

Men and women have such a different approach for everything, especially when it deals with problem solving. The sources on Lewis essay proves how men and women interact with the world differently Lewis explains how Simon Baron-Cohen, author of “The Essential Difference: Men, Women, and the Extreme Male Brain,” label female as “empathizing” and men as “systemizing.” You see men have a less interest in how people feel than in how things work, that is called systemizer. Systematic influence the men brain in so many aspect from a man life, which explains why must men rely on heavily jobs that don’t required much thought’s or emotions. Women on the other hand, Baron labeled them as “empathizing,” which results in “constantly measuring and responding to the surrounding emotional temperature” (294). This can give you an idea why most women are take lead on so call “female-dominated careers” (294) such as nursing or social

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