Exotic Island Essay

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A lot of society travels to exotic lands because they want to see and experience the different cultures as well as get away from stress and everyday life. Today, many people travel to this exotic island, Bora Bora to relax on the magnificent white beaches and to stay in the admirable huts that are on the crystal clear waters. According to the U.S Travel Association, about 2.2 billion Americans took a vacation in 2016 seeking for the thrill and experience of exploring new things (Irimia and Gottschling ). The island of Bora Bora is south west of the United States. It is only about 2,600 miles from Hawaii and sought to be the most beautiful island on the planet. The island is about 11.3 square miles and was formed by 2 volcanoes. The
Although the volcanic pasts of the island, there is an abundance of vegetation that the Bora Bora's have taken such pride in to take care of and help restore (Richardson). The island is covered with tropical flowers and trees as well as coconut plantations, orange trees, and vanilla plants. The islanders use many native fruits grown on the island as a source of diet (“Take”). While on the island, visitors can have many opportunities to interact with the wildlife. Sea turtles, dolphins, and humpback whales are the main attraction of sea life as well as manta rays. Deep- sea fishing is also another main interest with an abundance of exotic fish life only being able to be seen from Bora Bora
One portion of that is the different foods. While in Bora Bora, travelers get a traditional cuisine which is influenced by “South Pacific cooking mixed with French, Italian, and Japanese” (“Bora”). The food is cooked in a very different style called a “pit oven”. This is done by digging a hole into the ground and placing hot stones below to heat and cook the food. Another traditional way for the food to be cooked in Bora Bora is to wrap the food in banana leaves and “ cover the food by dirt, then bake for several hours.”, also known as “Ahimaa” (“Take”). Fish, chicken, and pork are the main protein sources in Bora Bora. Many of the cousins also include sweet potatoes, rice, papaya, pineapples, and coconuts (“Take”). Since the tropical island is secluded and by the equator, it has very warm summer days. The Polynesians break the climate into “wet and dry seasons”. According to “Take” the wet season is November through April with a lot of rain and clouds. November through April is considered the offseason for Bora Bora, though many people like to go there because there are fewer crowds. The dry season, May through October is the perfect weather for visitors (“Bora”). The average temperature for a day is 80 degrees Fahrenheit with a light breeze that is constant

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