Book Summary: The Red Queen By Victoria Aveyard

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Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard takes place in a world divided by blood. There are those with silver blood, and those with red blood. The silvers run the monarchy of Norta and possess extrordinary abilities, while the reds are forced to serve them. Mare Barrow is a red teenager, who steals to keep her family alive, but after a strange encounter leads her to working for the King and Queen, she discovers abilities of her own. The only issue is, red’s don’t have abilities. So how does Mare? To hide the impossibility from the public, the King gives Mare a new persona. Mareena Titanos, a lost silver princesss who is to marry the King’s youngest son. Mare gets drawn even farther into the silver world, while exposing its secrets to The Scarlet Guard- a red rebellion who plan to overthrow the silver elite. A war is brewing, a war Mare is caught right in the middle of. …show more content…

It was driven by its strong characters, relationships, and plot, all of which I really liked. I also think that for such a popular genre, it was very unique. I don’t have any moments that I wish the author hadn’t included because they’re all relevant. They all help develop the storyline. As for moments I loved, I thought the ending was extremely well-written even if it made me sad, surprised, and a bit mad. From this novel I gained a new persepctive on trust. I learned how fragile it is. It’s like a vase, in a way. Once you break it, you can try and piece it back together, but you can still see the

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