Book Summary: The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas

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The Hate U Give The school board is no longer certain fiction and novels have a place in the curriculum.Some fiction still correlates with what’s going on today, and some are escapes from reality, an escape from something that hurt you, it’s something that can heal wounds. It doesn’t have to be relatable to be relevant. Even though the school board doesn’t think that certain fiction deserves a place in the curriculum, it helps us to create different experiences. One where we may travel to a different point in time during social injustice, or to another planet with oppression. One where we may learn something from a different experience. We are subjected to the topics of others. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas is primarily about social injustice, police brutality, and racial oppression. The school board doesn’t think certain fiction belongs in the curriculum, but in the book “The Hate …show more content…

Take a stand for your rights. The author is trying to explain that without the constant need for change, there will be no change. They’ll be stuck in an endless cycle of racism and oppression. In this day and age, social has become more racist and has profiled certain religions and racists deeming them murders, terrorist, and thugs, when in reality we are just humans trying to survive by any means necessary. “I wanna do something.”-”Protest, riot, I don’t care.”--”And neither did talking!””I did everything right and it still didn’t make a difference.I’ve gotten death threats, cops harassed my family, somebody shot into my house, all kinds of shit. And for what? Justice Khalil won’t get?They don’t give a fuck about us, so fine. I no longer give a fuck.” (389-390) Starr took a stand to fight back for justice. She had gone out and tried to create change after talking didn’t help her. These books need to be in the curriculum because it empowers people to take a stand and fight for

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