Book Of Haggai Research Paper

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The Book of Haggai is the written history of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. When Haggai returns to Jerusalem from exile, he finds that God’s people have not yet completed the temple, but instead have turned inward. They built up their own houses, and have paid no attention to the house of The Lord. Not only have their focused only on themselves, but they are in the midst of crisis. Though they work they are poor, though they plant their fields the fields are fallow, they are in crisis! God has turned his back because they refuse to put him first, and this is where Haggai comes in to set them straight. He tells the people that in order to lift this curse, they must rebuild God’s home, and so long as they place Him before all else they …show more content…

Though it is a short book, this does not make it any less important. In fact, the Book of Haggai could be considered one of the more important books of the Minor Prophets. Haggai returns from exile to give the people the push they need to rebuild God’s Temple. God will once again be able to dwell among His people, and the people will no longer suffer from drought. The Book of Haggai only covers a brief, six month period September through December of 520 BC. This has been proven due to the language used prior to each of his oracles, this has also been verified by multiple scholars. While the dating of the book is agreed upon, the author of the Book of Haggai is not. It is not possible for the author to be Haggai himself, mainly because of the use of third person and the hallmarks indicative of Deuteronomists. One theory, that the author is the Chronicler, can be dismissed mainly due to the fact that the Chronicler was an anti-Semite; there is no Anti-Semitic language found in Haggai. Instead of the author/editor blaming the Samaritans for the incompletion of the temple, the author/editor has Haggai pointing the finger

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