Book Of Glory Religion

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The Book of Glory is the second half of the Gospel of John that deals mostly with the end of Jesus’ life with his followers. The Book of Glory is considered to be from the beginning of chapter 13 to the end of chapter 21. When we first started studying this section of John, I only knew it as the part when we talk about the crucifixion of Jesus. At my Catholic elementary school, we spent a great deal of time talking about the death of Jesus and his appearances after death to his disciples and Mary. I can vividly remember watching cartoon movies that chronicled the life of Jesus because all of the kids would be excited when the teacher rolled the TV into the classroom. For some reason, I remember the sentencing, crucifixion, and resurrection …show more content…

I think that this section of the Book of Glory is pretty sad even though Jesus fully embraced his fate. Jesus is in the garden when Judas leads a group of soldiers and the high priest to find him. He is arrested by them after he admits to being Jesus of Nazareth. He is questioned by the high priest about his disciples and his teachings in which Jesus answers truthfully. This part pisses me off because Jesus is slapped by an official like a peasant. It is weird to think that the son of God would take being abused for no reason but this is important to our understanding of God. He wants us to understand that he is powerful but does not want us to fear Him. In other words, He is a God of love before anything else. Jesus could have easily struck down any mortal that stood against him but what good would that have done for the world and his people? God allows us to have free will which explains why this world is imperfect because people are imperfect! This is important for us to understand as modern Christians because a common question of faith is that God does not stop bad things from happening to good people. There is constant questioning of God’s plan which displays a lack of trust. We could never understand the work of God, to think we could is to insult His power. Sometimes the world seems like it is has no order or rationale but that is why we need God. Instead of straying away from Him because we do not understand, we should be closer to Him! Not so that we can understand His plan but that we can live in His glory until our hour

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