Book Of Esther Analysis

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The book of Esther teaches its readers about courage,irony,hypocrisy. The book of Esther has

meaning and teaches its reader about different things, one of the main ones that teaches the most is

courage. Esther had so much courage to stand up for the jews. The ironic to this book is dramatic because

of king looking for a new wife.his old wife didn’t like being shown off she got tired of it.The book of

Esther does not talk about God a lot it talks more about her and jews.

Courage plays a big role in the book of Esther.The reason why is she didn't tell the king her

heritage on where she was coming from. the king made her queen.Haman wanted to kill the jews and

especially Mordecai because they weren't giving him respect …show more content…

Queen Esther what is your request?i'll give it to you even if its the kingdom Esther 5:3). The Hypocrisy of the book of Esther is Mordecai had exposed the plot of Bigthana and Teresh the

guards who wanted to kill king Xerxes.(two of the eunuchs who guarded the private headquarters the had

plotted to assassinate king Xerxes Esther 6:2) Haman was building a pole he prepared for Mordecai he

called haman in and asked him how should he honor a man who had pleased him Haman thought he was

getting honored by the king (haman thought who may the king want to honor more then me Esther 6:6)

little did he know he was honoring Mordecai.(do just as you have said for Mordecai the jew who sits

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