Bodybuilding Persuasive Essay

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If you open some random youtube bodybuilding video, what you most likely will see is some big guy struggling to lift a scary amount of weight. He might show you what is the right form, what is he eating every single day or which muscle is he working on in the video. They would also tell you how much attention they put on their diet and how hard they push themselves while working out. As a reader, you might ask “what is the point of doing all of these? Is getting fit and looking good the only reason?” Thank you for asking! If looking attractive is the only thing benefit of bodybuilding, I believe their will be much less people doing it. Have you ever seen old people working out in the gym? Do you think they work out because they want to look …show more content…

it might be counterintuitive to some people that weight training improve flexibly because most people think of bodybuilder as big and inflexible. However, this is wrong. Studies show that bodybuilders have better flexibility on average compared with normal people. Also, some of the best bodybuilders in history have as much flexibility as ballet dancers do!

Bodybuilding also decrease the likelihood of injury. It helps people build up stronger ligaments, tendons and muscles, which lessen the likelihood of injury under stress. This is the main reason why weigh training is included college sports team training. A few of the college atheists I interviewed said that they have to do weight training for more than 4 times a week.

Bodybuilding also gives people a better posture. Are you one of those people who constantly suffer from backache and have the habit of holding your back most of the time? Have you tried to improve your posture but eventually come back to the same posture as you had before? Bodybuilding is your #1 prescription! Shoulder, neck, back, abdominal and hip muscles. Stronger muscles will keep you sit and stand straighter, and it will also improve your stability and

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