Body Ritual Among The Nacirema Analysis

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In Horace Miner’s Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, Miner demonstrates how the Nacirema’s culture and performed rituals are poorly understood. The Nacirema, whose roots originate from North America, are depicted as a group of people whose rituals revolve around the human body. The natives who belong to this group find the human body unpleasant. Consequently, the Nacirema are strongly in favour of seeking help from practitioners in order to improve the way they feel in their bodies. This specific group of people value substances such as magical potions in order to help their bodies recover. The Nacirema who are ill go to a temple called the latipso and seek the medicine men for help. They also see seek for other practitioners such as the holy-mouth-man …show more content…

The author, Horace Miner, uses a technique that is inaudible to the conscious mind and compares the Nacirema’s rituals to the rituals of present day Americans (Nacirema spelt backwards is American).

DISCUSSION Miner describes shrines as a secret place where the Nacirema experience rituals without the company of others. A shrine is a chest that is built into the wall of their home. These shrines contain several magical potions and charms that he or she believes will help improve their body’s condition (504). The author, Miner, subliminally compares shrines to a modern day medicine cabinet where medication and make-up are stored. Many individuals use these products on a daily basis and assume it will make them feel in good shape and look presentable. When the Nacirema are ill, they go to latipso to meet the medicine men where they can potentially get cured. However, the medicine men expect a gift in return for their services (505). Many of them undergo practices that may not even improve their state and may even be the leading cause to kill them …show more content…

Both the Nacirema and individuals of today’s society are culture obsessed with rituals that correspond to the human body. Most readers may find the Nacirema culture and the activities that they are engaged in are strange and unusual, however it is a matter of perspective.
Readers who cringed at the thought of their unusual activities might feel ethnocentric in the sense that their culture may seem a lot more “normal” compared to the Nacirema’s culture. Nonetheless, the study of anthropology teaches individuals to look at cultures through the cultural relativism lens. Cultural relativism raises the importance of analyzing cultures in their own terms before criticizing them.
Although, keeping valuable magical positions in shrines and giving gifts to the medicine men in hope they will recover in return may seem odd to the naked eye, they are all very similar to the activities many perform today. Not only did Miner predict the many rituals people would be engaged in today, he delivers the message that culture is based on rituals and that each culture defines its reality and acceptable behaviour through them. Thus, individuals should look at rituals in depth before judging them because what might seem strange to one may not seem strange to

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