Bodanis Mythpaste

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Despite giving disturbingly grotesque descriptions of the ingredient of toothpaste, we can see Bodanis using a flippant tone in this essay with his informal language and his light-hearted comments. If you had a serious tone, would you write “it’s the stuff bobbing around”, “ a host of other goodies”, or “zap any accidently intrudent bacteria into oblivion” (6, 8, 12)? No, you wouldn’t — but Bodanis did. Besides his casual language, he also takes unexpected turns with his tone. After describing the damage of “unduly, enlarged extra-abrasive chalk fragments” with horrifying imagery such as “cavernous pits”, “craters”, and “pits”, the grim mood which Bodanis established makes the reader expect him to address these teeth-wrecking problems with

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