Bobwhite Quail Research Paper

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Northern bobwhite quail adults are on average around 6 inches tall and weigh around 6 ounces (1, 16). This relatively large body size is accompanied by elliptical wings which limits flight. Flight in these birds is usually referred to as a “flush”. This is a short, fast burst of flight relatively low to the ground as a final effort to avoid predation (14). The main form of locomotion for these quail is walking or running. These quail are non-migratory and typically have a limited home range (3.4 - 47.7ha) (4). Bobwhites also have a short round bill which is primarily used for seed foraging, but they are known to include invertebrates into their diet (8). Bobwhite quail are sexually dimorphic. Both sexes have similar body plumage, but the females …show more content…

These groups can be a single mating pair and their offspring, multiple mating pairs with all associated offspring, or groups of just males or females. Of course this depends on what time of year it is. Males often venture out by themselves during the spring to find a mate. During this time males can be heard doing their famous bob-white whistle (1). This is done in order to attract a female and they stop this call as soon as they have bred. These pairs are generally monogamous, but if environmental conditions are optimal this changes. With better environmental conditions the male or female of a breeding pair will leave their mate to start another brood (4). After breeding both sexes share the task in finding and establishing a scrape nest (14). Typically 12-16 eggs are laid and incubated for 24 days by both parents. Throughout this time the male and female perform companion calling and the males will detour other male bobwhites encountered. This is usually done through aggressive behavior such as chasing and even pecking. Male to male aggression is not just seen during mate protection. It has also been observed in establishing social ranks of captive male groups. Unsuccessful breeding males have even been documented to display homosexual behavior

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