Bob And Dr. Marvin Ap Psychology Essay

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Bob and Dr. Marvin throughout the movie showed how they are different not only in positions in life but how they handle different situations. Both individuals are put into situations outside their comfort zone.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Bob showed to have many psychological disorders that affected his daily life. When Bob was going to his first consultant with his new psychiatrist, he had to repeat the statement`;” I feel great, I feel good, I feel wonderful” all the way to Dr. Marvin’s office. The constant repetition of words is a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(OCD) which many patients who have this, tend to repeat either phrases or actions to be able to feel okay. Bob is afraid of touching things in public because he has a mindset since everyone touches a pay phone and an elevator button there are many germs. This is another sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder because Bob has to use a tissue for everything he uses in the public to feel safe touching anything outside of his …show more content…

Marvin and Bob finally met, I can tell that Dr. Marvin just wanted to get things over with, so he can go on vacation. Dr. Marvin was not focused on what was going on right there, but more of what is going to happen in a couple of days with the news. As Bob was discussing all his issues to Dr. Marvin, he knew all of his problems that were going on and just wanted to have a bond with someone besides his pet goldfish. Right after the first consultant, Bob became so attached that he called Dr. Marvin day and night. When Bob noticed that Dr. Marvin would not pick up his calls, he pretended to be his sister and ended up pretending to be a detective to get information from the call center to know where Dr. Marvin is located. All this actions, is a sign of dependent personality disorder. This disorder is a clinging behavior in which a person has a hard time making everyday decisions because they need advice and needs someone to put their mind at ease that everything will be

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