Blood Pressure Lab Report

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I. Introduction
The heart is a major organ of the cardiovascular system, essential in maintaining homeostasis. In order to measure the efficiency of the heart, one must analyze his or her blood pressure. Blood pressure consists of two values—the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure value is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) determined by the force blood exerts on the vessels in which the ventricles of the heart contract. On the other hand, the diastolic pressure measures the force of blood when ventricles are relaxed (Patton and Thibodeau, 2009). Since the pressure required to squeeze blood through a contracted heart is much higher than the pressure required to circulate blood through relaxed chambers, …show more content…

Therefore, the experiment required the use of a sphygmometer—an instrument consisting of a rubber cuff—to determine both the systolic and diastolic values of blood pressure. Students utilized VernierPro sphygmometers, connecting the device to computers through USB and collecting the data through the LoggerPro program. After placing the electronic sphygmometers on the brachial artery, students squeezed the sphygmometer cuff bulbs, increasing the pressure of the device to 160 mmHg before pressing the “collect” button. Then, students calmly sat in their seats as the pressure automatically deflated until reaching zero—revealing the student’s systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and heart rate. After collecting the data for their resting blood pressure and heart rate, student proceeded to exit the building to engage in physical activity. Such activities included jumping rope, frisbee, and four-square. After twenty minutes of exercise, students then returned indoors to measure their post-activity results. In order to prevent inaccuracies due to the period of inactivity during the journey from the outdoors back to the classroom, jump ropes were brought indoors in order for students to elevate their heart rates prior to the remeasurement. After the elevation of the heart rate, students then engaged in the same procedure mentioned previously to measure their post-activity blood pressure …show more content…

These increases in both systolic pressure and diastolic pressure supports that if an individual exercises, his or her systolic and diastolic blood pressure will increase.
Since the systolic pressure measures the pressure that occurs when blood pushes against the walls of the heart during contractions, the increase in systolic pressure reveals that more blood is being pushed through the heart. This statement is further supported by the change in heart rate—increasing from 76 to 101 bpm. The increase in heart rate indicates that the heart is pumping more blood through its ventricles per minute, thus satisfying the need of the body for more oxygen. This increase in the pumping of more blood is known as increased cardiac output (Patton and Thibodeau,

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