Blood Brothers Research Paper

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In Willy Russell's play "Blood Brothers," the impact of poverty on the Johnstone family is a central theme that is skillfully presented through various dramatic techniques. The play, set in Liverpool, follows the story of the Johnstone twins, Mickey and Eddie, who are separated at birth and grow up in vastly different economic circumstances. Russell effectively portrays the detrimental effects of poverty on the Johnstone family through the characters, plot, setting, and language, providing a compelling insight into the complexities of socio-economic disparity. One of the primary ways in which Willy Russell presents the impact of poverty on the Johnstone family is through the characterization of Mrs. Johnstone, the twins' mother. Mrs. Johnstone is depicted as a working-class woman struggling to make ends meet, and her financial hardship is evident in her daily life. Russell uses Mrs. Johnstone's character to illustrate the emotional and psychological toll of poverty, as she grapples with the constant fear of not being able to provide for her children. This is particularly evident in the song "Marilyn Monroe," where Mrs. Johnstone expresses her longing for a better life and her disillusionment with her economic circumstances. Through Mrs. Johnstone's character, Russell effectively conveys the sense of hopelessness and despair that often …show more content…

The characters' vernacular, infused with colloquialisms and regional accents, authentically captures the socio-economic milieu in which they are situated. Through the characters' speech patterns and expressions, Russell conveys the harsh realities of poverty, giving voice to the frustrations, aspirations, and hardships of the Johnstones. The use of language serves to humanize the characters, allowing the audience to empathize with their struggles and recognize the pervasive impact of poverty on their

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