Blanche And Marie Character Analysis Essay

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Blanche and Marie are portrayed as emotionally fragile characters who are trying to escape traumatic pasts. Both Blanche and Marie have had a traumatizing past, which leads them to become fragile people. Blanche has come from her hometown, Laurel, to visit her sister in New Orleans after being fired from her job for having relations with a student and multiple other men at a hotel called Tarantula Arms. On the other hand, Marie set out to the city to escape the sexual abuse from her uncle that she endured back home. In A Streetcar Named Desire, it is evident that because of Blanche's rough past it is hard for her to open up and have relations with a man. When she first meets Mitch she asks him to place a paper lantern over a light bulb because …show more content…

I want magic!” (145). Therefore, Blanche is too fragile and does not have the courage to face the truth about her age, instead she would rather live a lie. Unlike Blanche, Marie did not cause her traumatizing past, instead it was forced upon her. Although it is not directly mentioned in the short story “The Yellow Sweater”, it is clear that Marie, is some way, was sexual abused by a direct family member; most likely her uncle. As she as walking down a highway a business man picked her up, offering to drive her to the city. At first she hesitated wondering if he would do the same thing her uncle did, but she viewed him more like a father figure so she climbed in. After driving for a while, Marie's fragile nature became evident when the business man placed his hand along the collar of her coat. She attempted to move away but he pulled her closer and he said he could “....feel the fragility of her beneath his hand...” (6). Therefore, unlike Blanche, Marie does not show her fragile nature through words rather than through actions. As a result, it is evident that both Blanche and Marie are fragile because of past traumatizing

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