Blackberries In June Ron Rash Summary

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Blackberries in June is a short story, written by Ron Rash, that highlights the harsh economic standings of families in the Appalachian region on the United States. The main characters are a young newly married couple, Jamie and Matt, who have been blessed with a lake house in the mountains. The young couple are optimistic about having their whole lives in front of them but elders in the story elude to a more somber reality. In the short story, Blackberries in June, the author uses the presence, or lack thereof, of water as a symbol to represent the character's state of freedom. In the beginning of the story the presence of water symbolizes the physical and mental freedom the young couple share. The story begins with Jamie driving on the way home, to the lake house, after a long day of work. In the car Jamie yearns “ to be unchained in the weightlessness of the water” (203). The physical act of being weightless symbolizes her mental weightlessness or freedom. Jamie and Matt make love in water which enforces the connection they have with themselves and the mental and physical freedom they feel. …show more content…

Her father crippled from work, can no longer provide for the family causing him to push his, and his wives, dreams to the side. The author describes the landscape of the parents house: “ In a white oak out by the boarded-up well, a cicada called for rain.” The author uses the imagery of a boarded-up well to represent the absence of water, which symbolizes freedom, in Jamie’s parents life. The water is gone and dried up just like the dreams that her parents use to have when they were young. The mention of rain eludes to Jamie and Matt’s freedom which hangs in the balance like gray clouds in the sky. While at their parents house, while it is not stated directly, her mother’s attitude is apprehensive of what the future might hold for Jamie and

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