Black Men And Public Space Essay

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Throughout the year the black community has been look down upon as community of criminals and community of lesser educated and poor people that have a smaller purpose in life. Journalist Brent Staples, author of Black Men And Public Spaces takes us into his own thoughts as a young black man growing up in Chester, Pennsylvania to becoming a journalist in New York City. He tells us his own challenge that he face on a daily bases along with challenges that many black men his own age faced and the ways he changed in order to minimize the tension between himself and the common white American.

Growing up a in the post-segregation era was a challenge for most blacks. Having the same rights and privileges as many white Americans but still having to fighting for the sense of equality was a brick wall that many blacks had to overcome. Day to day white people avoid the black man in fear of being attacked. This fear was not uncommon during this time and many black looked at it as normal. But for Bret Staples the white women fear of the young black man was all to clear one
Why do associate certain action with certain group of people for example not all Middle Eastern people are terrorist but because of the recent wars with Iraq and Afghanistan we conclude that all people from middle east are terrorist but that’s not true. That same concept goes with blacks community yes areas of high violence have a higher population of blacks Americans but what does that prove. What about the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina killing 9 black men and women, Ferguson, and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. what they all have in common is that they were done by a white man so shouldn’t that mean that no matter what color of skin you are, you are still capable of committing the same heinous crimes I personal believe so. But even with this information what give us the right to assume someone’s intention just by what they look

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