Black Hawk Down Essay

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Introduction The Black Hawk Down movie is about in Somalia in the 1990s a civil war has broken out within the country. During the civil war over 300,000 civilian deaths and the peacekeepers had to withdraw from Somalia. In response to this the United States sent their army to help stop the civil war. Their goal was to capture Mohammed Farrah Didid, who was the self-proclaimed leader of the country. Another goal of the mission was to be able to capture Omar Elmi and Abdi Qeybdiid, which were two of Aidid’s top advisers. The mission was comprised from solders with experience and some new recruits. They were able to easily capture Aidid’s advisers with very little struggle from the enemy. Shortly after their capture one of the Black Hawks were …show more content…

After a meeting describing what they were going to do people commented that the air units how bad it was for the ground units. They said they people in the helicopters didn’t know how horrible it is down there while they are safe in their helicopters. As the movie continues it reveals what they truly meant by this comment. In the beginning there was little differences between the two, but slowly throughout the movie you could tell the shocking differences from the stressful and horrible time for the ground units and the carefree attitude for the air units. After the first Black Hawk fell while the rest of the ground troops were trying to reach the crash site you could tell how little it seemed that the other black hawk choppers cared. As the film progressed the ground troops continued to have more injured and the chances of them getting to the crash site got slimmer and slimmer. The sad part was that with so many injuries the higher ups never let them rest they always wanted them to keep going deeper into enemy territory while the air units did nothing. Towards the end of the movie one of the black hawks said they wanted to go out and help defend the crashed black hawk and wait until the land units show up. Then they didn’t want them to go because they thought it would be “too dangerous” but they were willing to send all their injured ground

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