Biscuits And Gravy: A Short Story

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She woke up at 8:35, she got up, and got dressed, in a light blue T-Shirt with a pair of jeans. She then perambulation down to the kitchen from her bedroom upstairs to get breakfast. When she got into the kitchen she smelled the aroma of her Father’s famous biscuits and gravy. The biscuits and gravy always smelled so good. They smelled like pepper ,sausage ,and nice buttery biscuits. Her Father would make them when she was still asleep because he knew that the delicious of the gravy and biscuits would wake her up. And they did, every time. She would always wake up to the aroma of the sausage when they were almost done. There was only one dreadfully horrific thing about that. That was that she hadn’t had her Father’s famous biscuits and gravy

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