Biometric Security Research Paper

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Biometrics is defined as the unique physical characteristics or traits of human body (Jain, 2004). These characteristics and traits are used to identify each human in. Every details of the human body which differs from one human to other will be used as unique biometric data to serve as that person's unique identification in terms of retinal, iris, fingerprint, palm print and DNA. Biometric systems will collect and store this data in order to use it for verify personal identity. The combination of biometric data systems and biometric identification technologies creates the biometric security systems. The biometric security system is a lock and capture mechanism to control access to specific data. In order to access the biometric security system, an individual will need to provide their unique characteristics or traits which will be matched to a database in the system. If there is a match, the locking system will provide access to the data for the user. The locking and capturing system will activate and record information of users to accessed the data. The relationship between the biometric and biometric security system is also known as the lock and key system. The biometrics security system is the lock and biometrics is the key to open that lock (Jain, 2006).
There are seven basic criteria for biometric security system such as uniqueness, universality, permanence, collectability, performance, acceptability and circumvention (Schuckers, 2001). Uniqueness is considered as the priority one requirement for biometric data. It will indicate how differently and uniquely the biometric system will be able to recognize each user among groups of users. For example, the DNA of each person is unique and it is impossible to replicate. A secon...

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...herefore, the cost for equipment is also expensive [PBworks 2006]. Finally, lots of people are still concerned about biometrics technology in different aspects such as: security, adaptability to rate of change in life, scalbility, accuracy, privacy and others.
In order to control the use of biometric

[Jain, 2004] Jain, A.K.;Ross, A.;Prabhakar, S.;"An introduction to biometric recognition", Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Issue Date: Jan. 2004, on page(s): 4 - 20
[Jain, 2006]Jain, A.K.; Ross, A.; Pankanti, S., "Biometrics: a tool for information security" Volume: 1 Issue: 2, Issue Date: June 2006, page(s): 125 – 143
[Schuckers, 2001] Michael E. Schuckers, "Some Statistical Aspects of Biometric Identification Device Performance", 2001
[Tistarelli, 2009] Massimo Tistarelli and Marks Nixon, "Advances In Biometrics", Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 03029743

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